
Create courier tickets with one click

Save time spent manually entering courier tickets and keep your customers up-to-date about shipments.

Watch how the DHL Express integration works

See why suppliers like you love using Upstock & DHL Express

It's fast, easy and free to get set up on Upstock • Join the largest, fastest growing marketplace

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Automate your courier tickets

Connecting your DHL Express account is a massive time-saver, from creating courier tickets to providing customers with shipment updates.
Alert icon

Quick courier tickets

Create courier tickets with one click from your orders in Upstock.

Recycle icon

Sync shipment status

Automatically sync shipment status and tracking links from DHL to Upstock.

Team icon

Update order status

Automatically mark Upstock orders as delivered based on their status in DHL.

How it works

"It's just so great to have something that's doing so much for our business and not costing an arm and a leg."

John Heskett
Kaipaki Dairies

How to connect with Xero

Connecting your Upstock account with Xero is super easy and takes less than 5 minutes
Step 1

Connect your account to Xero

In your Upstock settings, click the Integrations menu. Then click the “Connect to Xero” button, then login to your Xero account.
Step 2

Sync your products to Upstock

Click the Products menu, then click the “Import Xero products” button.
Step 3

We’ll import your contacts

Your contacts will also be imported from Xero. Contacts in Xero can be a bit messy – so we'll fix all your contacts for you, then notify you when they're all ready.
Screenshot of Upstock Wholesale Ordering Software being used

Upstock is a game changer

Order icon
Sales & customers typically
increases 15–20%
Clock icon
Daily processing typically drops from
2–3 Hours to 15 minutes
Alert icon
Daily errors typically drop from
20-30% to nearly 0%

Book a demo to see the integration in action


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Frequently asked questions

Screenshot of Upstock Wholesale Ordering Software being used

Integrates with your systems

Upstock integrates with the major accounting & inventory systems – meaning customer orders flow directly into your existing workflow.
See all integrations