FMCG Suppliers

Grow your FMCG brand on Upstock

Upstock automates FMCG ordering, payments and logistics – making it super easy and very affordable for any size brand to supply supermarkets
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"You'll get more orders out of me on Upstock"

Supermarkets keeps shelves stocked with FMCG brands they can order through Upstock

The Upstock Marketplace

Over 1000 suppliers are on Upstock • Order from all your existing wholesale suppliers • Discover exceptional new brands and their specialty products
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A proven tool to automate & grow your wholesale business

The best way to order your wholesale goods

See why top FMCG Suppliers across Australia & New Zealand use Upstock to run their wholesale business

See why top FMCG Suppliers across Australia & New Zealand love using Upstock

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Features of Upstock that FMCG Suppliers love

Supermarket Integrations

Remove complexity & costs when supplying to supermarkets

Receive supermarket orders from Woolworths and Foodstuffs without lifting a finger
Orders from supermarkets automatically appear in Upstock
Auto generate compliant invoices & packing slips
Price variances are detected automatically
Order statuses are updated automatically
Automated Purchase Orders

Use AI to instantly convert emails & POs into digital orders

Send all your emails, Purchase Orders, CSV, PDF files to Upstock and our AI will instantly create digital orders
Forward all your order emails and Purchase Order files to Upstock
Upstock AI instantly creates digital orders from emails, PDF files, and handwritten notes
Original files and emails are saved and linked to every order
Increase sales

Increase orders & win new customers

Upstock is like having an extra sales team – putting your brand & products in front of buyers and taking orders around the clock
Get your products in front of thousands of buyers 24/7
Buyers place bigger orders, more often
Newsfeeds grow brand visibility & sales

Trusted by the best

A wide range of top FMCG Suppliers use Upstock to automate & grow their wholesale business

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  • Questions to ask
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More features that FMCG Suppliers love

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Automatic Invoicing
Simply click 'Approve' on any order – Upstock automatically creates the invoice in your accounting system
Eliminate mistakes
Instead of garbled voicemails or emails lost in spam, with Upstock buyers place orders from your digital catalogue
Digital Catalogue
Buyers order directly from your up-to-date digital catalogue – the fastest, easiest, most accurate way to order
Featured Products
Pin featured products to the top of your product catalogue to boost sales
Fulfilment Groups
Segment customers into different groups, to apply different rules for ordering, delivery runs & payments.
Minimum Order Values
Prevent customers from ordering below your minimum order size – eliminates high-cost, low-value orders

Frequently asked questions

Integrates with your systems

Upstock integrates with the major accounting & inventory systems – meaning customer orders flow directly into your existing workflow.
See all integrations

Frequently asked questions

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We'd love to show you how Upstock could work for your business – no obligations.
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