Prana Chai loves making sticky, spicy chai that gives their customers ‘a moment in time' to relax and take in the world. What’s not their cup of tea is getting bogged down with complex tech.
The Melbourne-based company's Head of Sales, Megan Grehan noticed more and more of their customers wanting an online ordering system and they wanted to cater to that group, but it had to be super easy for both staff and customers to use.
Megan investigated several options before choosing Upstock over its competitors and says Upstock stood out as the obvious choice because its team truly listened and ‘got us’.
“We did a lot of research into the other brands here in Australia. We looked at the others heavily and for a long time, but none of them fit. We really needed an easy ‘non-techy product’ and support that was tailored to our team.”
Megan says Upstock took the time to understand what they needed and offered a really personalised service.
“They came and met with one of my founders and me, and they just listened. They really saw that my founders needed to take things step-by-step. They did demos for us to adjust to things that were important to us and our customers. They made us feel so confident about making the switch and their approach really meant the world to us,” says Megan
“Upstock has stayed alongside us. It’s never just been ‘got your signature, goodbye’. It's been consistent follow-up and check-ins. It's made a massive difference. One of our company values is ‘providing quality in our service’ and Upstock’s added another way we can live up to that.”

More from our chat with Prana Chai’s Head of Sales, Megan Grehan:
What does your role involve?
At Prana Chai, we make sticky chai, so tea products with honey and agave that we distribute to wholesalers, all throughout Australia, and globally, as well. It’s an all-natural product made by hand every single day in our factory in Melbourne – no preservatives, no additives. I oversee all the sales teams across the globe. We've got consultants that work out of Europe, in the UK, as well as Japan, and Australia. And then we've got distributor partners in Korea, America and some in Chile and Spain.
What was it like getting your wholesale ordering setup?
The first thing was, Upstock’s so easy to set up. I feel like it only probably took about 15 minutes, maybe an hour, at most. It's also easy to see the orders, and to set up new customers, it can be done from the phone, so you don't have to be in front of your laptop to do it. That's a game changer. It's so straightforward there's just no issue in learning it. Usually, when you bring a new system onboard, there's often a lot of learning that also needs to come with that, whereas this took 10-15 minutes and now everyone knows how to use it – it's great!
What would you say to someone considering using Upstock?
I would say have a talk to the team at Upstock, have a tour of the product, and get a demo. Really let them understand all the problems in your business. And don't be shy telling them all the issues that you've got, because if they solve those issues in Upstock, then it's a marriage made in heaven. Also, if they can't solve everything, then that's okay, too. That's what's great about the team at Upstock is that they know their limitations, too. So they're not going to say they can do something they can't.
Order wholesale now from Prana Chai