
Process Foodstuffs orders automatically with Upstock

With a click of a button Upstock automates all your orders from Foodstuffs. Plus, it instantly detects price mismatches and product mismatches.

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Process Foodstuffs orders with a single click

With Upstock, Foodstuffs orders automatically flow into your ordering, inventory & accounting systems. It couldn’t be simpler.
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Zero set up fees

Simple, highly affordable pricing. Custom integrations require massive upfront and ongoing costs.

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Automatic e-invoicing

Your invoices to Foodstuffs are automatically created and dispatched as e-invoices when you approve them.

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Compliant packing slips

Automatically generate 100% Foodstuffs compliant packing slips.

How it works

How to connect with Xero

Connecting your Upstock account with Xero is super easy and takes less than 5 minutes
Step 1

Connect your account to Xero

In your Upstock settings, click the Integrations menu. Then click the “Connect to Xero” button, then login to your Xero account.
Step 2

Sync your products to Upstock

Click the Products menu, then click the “Import Xero products” button.
Step 3

We’ll import your contacts

Your contacts will also be imported from Xero. Contacts in Xero can be a bit messy – so we'll fix all your contacts for you, then notify you when they're all ready.
Screenshot of Upstock Wholesale Ordering Software being used

Upstock is a game changer

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Sales & customers typically
increases 15–20%
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Daily processing typically drops from
2–3 Hours to 15 minutes
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Daily errors typically drop from
20-30% to nearly 0%

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Frequently asked questions

Screenshot of Upstock Wholesale Ordering Software being used

The Foodstuffs integration with Upstock simplifies and automates the process of selling products into supermarkets.

In Upstock, anyone on your team can easily and instantly process Foodstuffs orders – automatically creating invoices that instantly appear in the Foodstuffs Exchange, generate packing slips that are fully Foodstuffs compliant, and create a production report for picking & packing.

With this integration, every Foodstuffs order automatically appears in Upstock, allowing for seamless management. You can easily edit Foodstuffs orders straight from Upstock, eliminating the need for swapping between separate systems.

One of the major benefits of the Foodstuffs Exchange integration in Upstock is the ability to generate compliant packing slips. These are 100% Foodstuffs compliant, significantly reducing potential hiccups during the packing and delivery process. Once a user approves a Foodstuffs transactions in Upstock, invoices are automatically created and sent, eliminating manual invoicing work and accelerating the order-to-payment cycle.

The integration drastically reduces the need for training on the Foodstuffs Exchange and enables all staff to handle the workflow with ease. FMCG brands find the Foodstuffs integration in Upstock is a powerful tool for expansion into the supermarket sector while reducing costs and stress. It puts your brand in the best position to easily sell into supermarkets with confidence, focusing more on growing the business without worrying about the complex and tedious manual tasks.

Integrates with your systems

Upstock integrates with the major accounting & inventory systems – meaning customer orders flow directly into your existing workflow.
See all integrations