Increase sales

Increase orders & win new customers

Upstock is like having an extra sales team – putting your brand & products in front of buyers and taking orders around the clock
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Get your products in front of thousands of buyers 24/7
Buyers place bigger orders, more often
Newsfeeds grow brand visibility & sales

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See why suppliers are loving Increase sales

Thousands of top venues use Upstock • Order from the largest, fastest growing selection of foodservice suppliers & products

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Integrates with your systems

Upstock integrates with the major accounting & inventory systems – meaning customer orders flow directly into your existing workflow.
See all integrations

More features suppliers love

Download the B2B Wholesale Ecommerce checklist
  • B2B what, why & how
  • Questions to ask
  • Problems to avoid
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Screenshot of Upstock Wholesale Ordering Software being used

Upstock is a game changer

Order icon
Sales & customers typically
increases 15–20%
Clock icon
Daily processing typically drops from
2–3 Hours to 15 minutes
Alert icon
Daily errors typically drop from
20-30% to nearly 0%

Frequently asked questions